Make negotiating competency part of your organization's DNA

Is there a culture of negotiation at the heart of your business? Our goal at Scotwork is to integrate negotiation as part of your organization's DNA and support a culture of long-term value creation and relationship building.

Scotwork can help you transform into a Negotiating Organization by introducing a common language and framework for your negotiations and apply them through the business.

98.9% of customers recommend us

We are trusted by

The Scotwork 8-Step Approach©

Behavioural process that underpins all negotiations

Simplify the complexities of negotiation with The Scotwork 8-Step Approach©. Our straightforward, step-by-step strategy was developed through rigorous analysis of over 100,000 hours of real-world negotiations to guarantee clarity and direction at any negotiation table.

“There isn't a day that goes by without using the things I learned in the course. A few things I already did before, but now I can tie it to a structure. It is truly the best training I ever followed. Thank you very much, it has really changed my life. it lifted my knowledge and skills and I am thankful to be able to join this training. I saved £100k+ within 90 days of attending the course!”

Bas Bannink, Sales Engineer

Benchmark your skills

Against our assessment of best practice worldwide

Prior to the programme, you will be invited to complete Scotwork’s Negotiation Skills Capability Survey (NSCS), which will give you a comprehensive, factual and concise answer to your questions:

  • How effectively do I or my team negotiate?
  • Are there common issues to fix?
  • Where are the gaps in competency or training?
  • What are the priorities for skills development?
  • How do we benchmark by function, division or sector?
  • How do our internal divisions / functions / regions compare?

We joined the Scotwork Advancing Negotiation Course with a group of 24 senior sales managers from SodaStream. The course was very professional, the methodologies and materials were of high quality, and the trainers were very experienced, professional and engaging (...) Overall, everyone was very satisfied and felt they got great value out of it. I’m sure this course will contribute to the business success of the company.

Limor Samet, Head of Learning and Development

Our negotiation training courses provide

an average ROI of 16.08 x the course fee in just 3 months

Advancing Negotiation Skills (ANS)

This 2.5-day in-person programme equips you with everything you need to be a successful negotiator, regardless of your age or industry background.

With a combination of

  • Expert lecture
  • Team preparation
  • Live case-play exercises
  • Follow-up analysis

Negotiation techniques are road-tested within life-like, unscripted negotiation scenarios.

By the end of the programme, you will be able to enter any negotiation room as a more astute and competent negotiator.

Advancing Negotiation Skills (VANS)

This 4-day virtual programme follows a similar structure as the in-person programme. You get the full package of ANS, nothing less than the in-person programme!

  • Expert lecture
  • Team preparation
  • Live case-play exercises
  • Follow-up analysis

By the end of the programme, you will be equipped with critical negotiating skills in a virtual workspace, which can then be applied in face-to-face negotiations as well.

Negotiating Foundation Workshop

This 1-day in-person workshop introduces you to the process and the language of negotiations. We will cover:

  • Core negotiating concepts
  • The process that underpins all negotiations
  • A structured approach to preparation
  • Constructive information exchange
  • The importance of trading
  • And more!

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the negotiation process as well as how to read and control it.

Get a specific negotiation course for your company:

Join our upcoming open courses:

Why Scotwork?

Leading negotiation skills development and consultancy since 1975

Since 1975, we have been leading the way in creating greater engagement and application by mixing global reach with rich local knowledge, with offices in 48 countries, as well as training delivery and consultancy in 29 languages.

We ran workshops in the UK and USA (…) Really enlightening insight from the team that ran the sessions, and massively impressed with the outputs. One of the metrics we are keen to measure aside from ROI is the relationship and how it had been impacted by our commercial discussions. Have to say we were very happy with both.

Sylvain Masson,
Program Manager Deal Desk


98% of people say our programmes improve their performance in negotiations


Our training customers enjoy an average ROI of 16.08 in under three months


We run courses in 120 countries, from Scotwork offices based in 48 countries


Our creative, value-building approach gives your negotiating extra edge


98.9% of participants are happy to recommend our courses to colleagues


We adapt to local customer needs by teaching our courses in 29 languages


We help people of all abilities become more confident, successful negotiators


Our free digital tools are there to help you before, during and after your training


Learn from the very best, highly-skilled trainers with deep industry experience


Follow in the foosteps of over hundreds of thousands of people who completed our courses


Wherever you are, our 170 consultants are easy to access via our global network