
As part of the programme, all participants have already taken part in the Scotwork Negotiation Skills Survey. The results of the survey help Scotwork to understand the challenges Avebe faces as a group and to fine-tune the course and negotiation cases accordingly.

From today you are also invited to create your Individual Negotiation Profile!

The Negotiation Profile is your start on a path of personalised learning and self-improvement. The results of the online survey give you an instant, individual snapshot of your level of confidence in your negotiating skills. It identifies areas of highest and lowest confidence, highlights priorities for improvement and provides the basis for a personalised skills development plan. It helps negotiators overcome their limitations and capitalise on their negotiating strengths.

The Negotiation Profile is a key part of Scotwork's personalised negotiation training framework and is based on our extensive research into negotiation behaviour. Ultimately, its results will give you the self-awareness and self-control to become a stronger and more resilient negotiator.

Go to the Scotwork Toolbox for the Personal Profile

40 Questions


Answers to The Negotiating Profile’s 40 multiple-choice questions generate a fully-personalised report within seconds.

This depicts the negotiator’s levels of confidence as a personalised spider-graph, an infographic ‘finger-print’ that scales confidence from 1 to 10 across each of the Eight Steps of Negotiation. For each step, the closer the profile line is to the outer circle of the spider-graph, the greater the negotiator’s level of measurable confidence.

The Personal Development Plan

Once you have answered the questions, your Personal Profile will be visible under the My Personal Development Plan tab. You can find the Profile as a PDF under the My Negotiating Profile Report tab, but it is even easier to go directly to My Personal Development Plan on the right hand side.

Once open you will see your individual profile and by hovering over the profile and clicking on one of the 8 steps you will immediately see your score, common issues at that particular step, some ideas to help you and examples of positive behaviour.

Study the profile before coming to the course to be able to focus on your personal development during the course.

If you have any questions about your profile, please do not hesitate to ask one of our tutors to help you.

Watch the Online Negotiation Preparation Tool tutorial

During the virtual part of the course we will be working with the online Negotiation Preparation Tool which can be found in the Scotwork Toolbox. To familiarise yourself with the Prep Tool, please watch the video.