Are your negotiators above
or below average?

What do you have to do to be as good as the best when you negotiate? 

What is the best practice and how do you adapt it to get the best results? 


We have been surveying negotiators from many different sectors and across geographies, overcome them for years now and we know what the best practitioners do to get their deals. We can review your own survey results with you to identify your skill gaps and plan to improve. We know and understand best practice and can share this with you, helping you to see your shortcomings, overcome them and be as good as the best in class.

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Why Scotwork?

Scotwork has coached hundreds of thousands of senior managers in 29 languages. We have grown into the world’s number one independent negotiation consultancy, operating in 46 countries. After more than 45 years we are still giving people powerful skills that transform their lives and handing businesses more successful futures.