Power your business with advanced
negotiation skills

It’s an uncertain world out there. The Covid-19 crisis is tipping the power balance across almost every industry sector. Whether or not change is in your favour, now is a great time to renegotiate and secure your business for the future.

Looking for virtual negotiation training?


Upskill to give your business the edge

Scotwork negotiation training and advisory services help businesses thrive by:

Measuring the negotiating capabilities of your people
Upskilling your negotiators with virtual and face-to-face training
Instilling a value-building negotiation culture business-wide

We’ll give your people the self-control and confidence to become stronger,
smarter negotiators.

How good are your negotiators?

Take our Negotiation Skills Capability Survey to benchmark your people against your competitors and the industry average.


Why Scotwork?

Scotwork has coached hundreds of thousands of senior managers in 28 languages. We have grown into the world’s number one independent negotiation consultancy, operating in 40 countries. After more than 45 years we are still giving people powerful skills that transform their lives and handing businesses more successful futures.