Advancing Negotiation Skills (A.N.S.) Manager Support Pack

What does this guide aim to do?

The guide is provided to help managers support their employees through their Scotwork negotiation skills learning journey  - before, during and after their attendance.

Firstly, here is a bit more information about the course that your team member(s) are attending.

Advancing Negotiation Skills Programme

At Scotwork we recognise that learning does not end in the classroom. It’s important that participants apply the skills they have learnt to real-world situations immediately, and that their managers continue to review their progress and personal development objectives and outcomes.

We have provided an overview of how you can support your team members through the Scotwork A.N.S programme along with highlighting key elements of the programme which we encourage participants to utilise to reinforce and embed their learnings from the course.

Joining email
On the Course

Actions for your team member

The Scotwork Toolbox